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This article is more than 2 years old

#NCBetterBooks SUCCESS!

#NCBetterBooks SUCCESS!

Nottingham Citizens members from all walks of life and backgrounds across Nottingham set a target to raise £10,000 on World Book Day, 4 March 2021 to gift every city primary school a set of racially and culturally diverse reading books. In partnership with local charity Matthew 25:40, the #NCBetterBooks campaign aimed to help children understand and appreciate the rich diversity of families, communities and society and to enable children from those backgrounds see themselves better represented in the books they read.

Thanks to many individual donations and contributions from member institutions, other organisations, businesses and in-kind support from authors, publishers and booksellers, the #NCBetterBooks campaign raised a huge £25,000. Congratulations to everyone who led this campaign!

#NCBetterBooks campaign: celebration video

The team have worked hard to sort and distribute books and have been able to personally handover book sets to several schools as well as connect organisations with schools in their locality. Nottingham Contemporary have developed an art workshop to help schools embed the themes in the curriculum and Read On Nottingham Literacy Champions are creating their own videos encouraging families to read the books

We know that children who read for pleasure achieve better educational outcomes and all children, irrespective of background, benefit from appreciating diversity. That’s also why we have secured an increase of spending for diverse books from Nottingham City Council for the children’s book stock of the new city centre library too.

'We smashed it!'
Sorting 25 Sept.jpg

'The generosity of fundraising went beyond the original expectation and hopes. I'm completely inspired by what can be achieved when regular people work towards a shared vison and goal and proud to have been able to support' Natelle Morgan-Brown

Posted by Heidi Shewell-Cooper [N/A] on 15 Oct, 2021