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This article is more than 8 years old

TELCO Delegates Assembly - Housing Crisis: Taking back ownership of London

TELCO Delegates assembly on 17th November saw 250 people from across 70 institutions in 5 East London boroughs come together to ratify an ambitious housing agenda for the Mayoral Election.

St Anthony's primary school choir in Redbridge sang 'Our House', there was powerful testimony from people across East London sharing about challenges they have faced with affordability, bad development and bad landlords. There was commitment to take 4 local actions on these issues to create Community Land Trusts in Redbridge, to increase levels of affordable housing on developments in Newham and Tower Hamlets, and tackling the quality of social housing in Hackney.

TELCO showed that in East London they are committed to tackling the housing crisis for good and pledged to bring 2000 people to the Copper Box on April 28th for our Mayoral Accountability assembly.

Posted on 20 Nov, 2015